Xavier Marmeys Partner

Xavier Marmeys
  • 2001

    Arrival at Mazars
  • 2011

    Integration and co-leadership of the Mazars "Universities and Grandes Ecoles" unit with Valérie Riou
  • 2012

    Appointed Partner

Xavier began his professional career in an auditing and consulting firm and has always remained in this business. He joined Mazars in Annecy in 2001.
He works with SMEs and ETIs, associations, public and semi-public bodies on auditing, chartered accountancy and consultancy, as well as with many local players working with public financiers or shareholders (associations, SPL, SEM d'aménagement, etc.).
Xavier is a chartered accountant and statutory auditor. He holds a DESS in Tax Law (Université de Bourgogne) and an MSTCF (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3), and is now in charge of the Annecy office, which currently employs 35 people.

He is based in Annecy.

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