Trust equation

Trust matters – it is a key factor in building strong relationships with customers, employees, investors and all key stakeholders. But even more importantly, it is essential to the stability of our societies and democracies. Our blog series, ‘The trust equation’, aims at sharing reflections from Mazars leaders on how businesses can drive greater confidence through responsible strategies, sustainable business models, transparency, and on the role of our profession in fostering trust.

As auditors and advisors in tax, finance, risk or management, we have a pivotal role to play in setting the foundations of a new trust contract. We help organisations operate confidently and to make the right decisions; we provide insights that enhance confidence in how these organisations report to their stakeholders; we provide assurance on different areas of business performance and information, and these opinions enhance their credibility and respond to the needs of stakeholders for greater transparency. Businesses too have a key role to play in restoring the confidence societies need.

The Edelman 2022 Trust Barometer confirmed, this year again, that businesses are expected to play a greater part in helping solve societal issues and in restoring confidence. Business is the most trusted institution today and one which is seen as a leading change driver.

A Mazars study conducted in France in June 2021 also found that companies are seen to be a leading force to help change and improve the society (for 81% of the respondents), just after the citizens (83%) and ahead of governments (for 68% of the respondents only). At Mazars, we are more committed than ever to answering this call and to helping our clients embrace the sustainability imperative.