Beyond the GAAP no.69 - July-August 2013

The IASB and the FASB expect to publish their joint standard on revenue recognition by the end of this year. However, the mandatory effective date is not likely to be before 2017.

The two Boards have decided that in the post-implementation period they will form a working group to identify potential implementation difficulties, and discuss issues related to common transactions that could create diversity in practice.

This initiative is the first of its kind; does it reflect a new commitment by the Boards to facilitate the implementation of new standards? Does this mean that in the future we will see a longer period between the publication of new standards and their mandatory effective date, to be spent identifying and addressing difficulties in implementation? In any case, it looks as though this approach would have been very useful in the run-up to the mandatory effective date for the new consolidation standards.


Beyond the GAAP no.69 - July-August 2013