Meet us at the European Captive Forum 2018

Join Mazars and several industry leaders at the largest captive event in the world, the European Captive Forum, taking place on 14-15 November 2018 in Luxembourg.

With more than 800 delegates, the European Captive Forum brings together Europe’s prime captive insurance and risk management professionals for two days of world-class networking and industry insights.

The unique two-day captive insurance event affords participants a platform to debate and shape the industry’s future and discuss key issues currently affecting the captive insurance industry.

To find out more about the European Captive Forum, including information on speakers, seminars and other activities taking place throughout the event, click here.

European Captive Forum 2018_Banner

Meet US!

Mazars, as a leading insurance services provider, will be present during the whole event with a team from France and Luxembourg.

Book a meeting slot with one of our insurance experts to have an informal chat about how our solutions could benefit your business. All you have to do is to click on the contact you wish to meet and we will be in touch to arrange a time during the event, which is convenient for you. Otherwise just come and visit us on our meeting space at stand No. 122. 

When: 14-15 November

Where: Luxembourg Congrès, 4,Place de L'Europe, 1499 Luxembourg 

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